Disney World

First, think. Second, believe. Third, dream. And finally, dare.
— Walt Disney

If the only thing I’ve taught my children is this, I’ve done my job as a mother.

Disney World is truly a place filled with wonder and magic. Where anything is possible. I cannot think of a more perfect trip to take with my children, when they are young, than one to Disney World (aside from Universal but that’s a whole different post).

To see the world through their eyes as they experience the magic of Disney is the best gift they could ever give me.

So grab an iced coffee and curl up somewhere comfy with a warm blanket, because these posts (describing the peaks and pits of our many trips to Disney) are sure to draw you in…

Or come along on our latest trip to Disney World, by watching the video below.


That’s the real trouble with the world. Too many people grow up.
— Walt Disney