where do you live

We currently live in Siesta Key, Florida. But have spent the majority of our lives living in Fairfield County, Connecticut.

would you consider doing a sponsored post?

If a product or trip I take is sponsored, I will make that super clear at the bottom of the post. I also only share things I truly love and am borderline obsessed with here. So if I don’t like something, I won’t write a post about it. Period.

who takes your pictures?

Some of my pictures are taken by professional photographers. And others are taken by me or Shane.


what’s your favorite trip so far?

I’m really loving all of our trips to Orlando. Our kids are still really little so watching them explore Disney and Universal is such a magical experience for me at the moment.

can you tell us more about your family?

I have a six year old daughter (Cami) and a two year old son (Kroy). And I pretty much want to eat their chunky faces all day long. I’m also married to a hunk of a man (Shane) who incidentally is the best dad ever.

what do you want your tombstone to read?

She lived the **** out of this life.