Joovy Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite Stand-On Tandem Stroller


You guys, as a mom of a four year old and almost four month old, I’ve done extensive research on the perfect stroller. And I think I’ve found it! Before I delve into why I am in love with the Joovy Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite Stand-On Tandem Stroller (try saying that three times fast), let me share with you a little context…

I incorrectly assumed that my lovely four year old daughter didn’t need a stroller anymore as she is fully capable of walking from point A to point B. Boy was I wrong. She actually insists on sitting in her stroller everywhere we go. I’m not sure if this is a slight jealousy thing or if she just likes to be pampered (I mean I’d love to just sit in a stroller all day too), but this is the situation.

Since Kroy is currently under 20 pounds, I’ve been still been wearing him a lot. However, he’s pretty much on track to be a future NFL linebacker (99th percentile for height and 90th for weight… hey, let a mama brag) so to spare myself extreme back and shoulder pain we will be switching him to a stroller relatively soon. And since I can’t very well pop him in Camillas’s stroller, which was the original plan, we needed a new solution to our stroller crisis.

Enter the Joovy Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite Stand-On Tandem Stroller, upon which two kids can sit, stand, and ride from birth to 45 pounds. My four year old daughter is currently 38 pounds so I figure we will get at least one to two years of use out of this with both her and Kroy. Then, if we end up having a third child (much to hubby’s terror), Kroy and the new baby (which has not been conceived yet) can use it together.

This is how I plan on using it…

My daughter Camilla will sit, stand or ride on the bench in the back. Depending on her mood, we can either install the fully reclining back seat onto the stroller or not. When it’s not installed, she can still sit on the bench or stand in the back. If she wants to be pampered, we can install the actual back seat and she can lounge like the pro that she is.

Meanwhile, Kroy can be the sweet little chunk that he is and just chill in the five-point safety harnessed front seat (which also allows you to install an infant car seat if you’d like).

We are super excited to test this bad boy out on our trip to Orlando this December. Universal and Disney here we come! (Buckle your seat belts and get ready for that monster of a post.)

Some additional features I’m obsessed with…

The price. It’s around $230 (depending on where you buy it from). Considering most double strollers are in the $700-$1400, this is a steal.

The weight. The stroller itself weighs 23.5 pounds, which is super light for a double stroller.

The way it collapses. Watch the video… it’s better than chocolate. Like I can’t tell you how excited I get when I watch it collapse so seemlessly and smoothly. It’s every Blonde Mama’s dream.

The extra large sun canopy that fully covers both children.

Anyway you just have to trust me on this one. Or watch me make a fool out of myself in the video I just created for you. Either way, the Joovy Caboose Too Ultralight Graphite Stand-On Tandem Stroller is a win.

As with all of the Products I recommend on The Blonde Woman, this product was not sponsored. I was not paid to write a review on this product. I only post Products I absolutely love.